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Tuesday 13 August 2013

The first workshop ... by Anthony

The first workshop for not going shopping took place on Tuesday evening, July 30, 2013. Participants were asked to bring along three photographs they felt told 'their story'.

"They might even be photographs of other people, places or things you feel have played a significant role in the story of you. It’s entirely up to you. All I ask is that you think as broadly, bravely and creatively as you can, and that you won’t mind telling a little about why you chose these photographs when we meet on Tuesday evening."

Everyone arrived around 6pm. I welcomed them in to the space. After a short time I introduced my practice as an artist, writer and educator, and I shared with participants my intentions for working with them to create photographic work for an exhibition and publication for Queer in Brighton in February, 2014.

I then invited everyone to take it in turn to talk about the three photographs they brought along with them. This seemed to me to be a great way to hear a little about people's experiences, the things that are important to them, and to also hear about what they think about photography.

Following this, we ate some delicious cakes and drank tea. Then we brainstormed ideas around four themes: 'family and friends', 'place', 'politics', and 'language and representation'.

Participants were coached in using their cameras. If they didn't have a camera they were loaned one for the duration of the project. Everyone was encouraged to photograph the things that interest them or matter to them.

Here are a few photographs from the first workshop.

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